Don’t let your stocks sit idle. Earn extra income by lending out your stocks
Here’s an opportunity for you to get potential additional income from securities you already own by participating in Firstrade’s Securities Lending Income Program.
What is the Firstrade Securities Lending Income Program?
The Securities Lending Income Program provides Firstrade clients with the opportunity to loan the stocks in their account in the securities lending market to earn extra income.
While their shares are on loan, they will be paid an income that is accrued daily and credited to their account on a monthly basis. What’s even better, the lending is happening automatically in the account, so participants don’t need to do anything further after enrolling in the program.
It’s easy to join – clients only need to enroll in the program and if there’s a demand in the market for a stock that they own, they’ll earn extra income from securities that would otherwise sit idle in their account.
Firstrade also provides a current list of in-demand stocks in the securities lending market and is available to view from Firstrade’s secure site.
How it works:
Earn extra income
You will immediately begin earning income on any shares that are loaned out. Earnings are accrued on a daily basis.
Sell at anytime
There are no restrictions on when you can sell your stock. You retain full ownership of the securities you have on loan and may sell the shares at any time.
Easy and automatic