FirstradeGPT Research Tips

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FirstradeGPT Research Tips

  • Segments

  • KPIs

  • Future Outlook & Guidance

  • “Related Questions” Function


When you want to inquire about specific business segments of a company, it's helpful to be as clear and specific as possible to ensure you receive the most relevant and detailed information. Here are some tips on how to frame your questions effectively:

  • Specify the Company: Always mention the company name or ticker symbol you are interested in. This helps in retrieving the exact data for the right entity.

  • Mention the Segment: If you know the name of the business segment or the type of data you're interested in, mention it explicitly. For example, if you're interested in Apple's "Services" segment or Tesla's "Energy generation and storage" segment, stating the segment name will direct the query appropriately.

  • Define the Type of Information: Specify what kind of information you need about the segment. Are you looking for revenue figures, profit margins, growth rates, or perhaps investment in that segment? The more specific you are, the more tailored the response will be.

  • Time Frame: If you're interested in historical data or trends over time, mention the specific time frames or fiscal years you're interested in.

  • Comparison Requests: If you want to compare segments within the company or with competitors’ segments, clarify this in your question.

Example Prompt(s):

  • Can you provide the revenue breakdown by segment for Microsoft for the fiscal year 2024?

  • What are the key performance indicators for Tesla's Automotive segment for the past three years?


When asking about Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for a specific company or industry segment, to get the best results you should make your prompt clear and specific to ensure you receive the most relevant and detailed information. Here are some tips on how to frame your questions effectively:

  • Specify the Company or Industry: Clearly mention the company name or ticker symbol or specify the industry if you're interested in broader metrics. This helps in retrieving the exact data for the right entity.

  • Identify the Segment or Area of Interest: If you are interested in a particular segment of a company (like Apple's Services or Tesla's Automotive segment) or a specific area within an industry, mention it explicitly. This directs the FirstradeGPT tool to fetch the most relevant segment-specific KPIs.

  • Define the Type of KPIs: Specify what kind of KPIs you are interested in. Are you looking for financial KPIs (like revenue growth, profit margins), operational KPIs (like production volumes, efficiency ratios), or customer-related KPIs (like customer acquisition costs, retention rates)? The more specific you are, the more tailored the response will be.

  • Mention the Time Frame: If you're interested in historical data or trends over time, mention the specific time frames or fiscal years you're interested in.

  • Purpose of the Inquiry: Optionally, you can mention why you need this information, as it might help in providing more contextually relevant data or analysis.

Example Prompt(s):

  • What are the operational KPIs for Tesla's Manufacturing operations over the last three years?

Future Outlook & Guidance

Using institutional-quality data, FirstradeGPT can give you estimates on a company's growth and stock prices a year into the future based on current trends.

When asking for chart predictions, it's important to specify the type of chart or data you are interested in, along with any specific metrics or time frames. Here are some tips on how to frame your questions effectively:

  • Specify the Chart Type: Mention the type of chart you are interested in, such as stock price charts, revenue growth charts, market trend charts, etc. This helps in retrieving the right kind of visualization.

  • Identify the Company or Market: Clearly state the company name or ticker symbol, or specify the market if you're interested in broader trends. This ensures that the data retrieved is relevant to your query.

  • Define the Metrics: Specify what metrics you want the chart to display. For example, if you're interested in stock prices, mention whether you want to see closing prices, highs and lows, volume traded, etc.

  • Time Frame: Mention the specific time frame for which you want the chart. For example, "over the last year," "the next six months," or "from 2010 to 2020."

  • Purpose of the Prediction: If you're looking for predictive insights, it helps to specify in your prompt that you want a forecast or predictive analysis. Mention any particular aspects you're interested in, such as expected trends or potential future values.

Example Prompt(s):

  • Can you provide a chart predicting the stock price movement for Apple over the next six months?

  • I need a revenue growth chart for Microsoft from 2015 to 2024 with predictions for the next two years. Can you help?

  • Could you show me a chart with the predicted EPS growth for Tesla for the upcoming fiscal year?

  • Can you provide a stock prediction for Apple for 2024?

“Related Questions” Function

Users new to doing financial research might like the “Related Questions” suggestions, found below the prompt window, to fine tune their research and ask questions that they never even thought to ask.

Using the related questions portion of FirstradeGPT, or any similar platform, involves leveraging this feature to enhance your understanding and exploration of financial topics. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to effectively use the related questions portion:

  1. Start by having a clear main query or topic you are researching or interested in. This could be anything from specific company metrics, market trends, investment strategies, or financial theories.

  2. Once you have your main query: Look for a section labeled as “Related Questions". This section is found at the bottom of the page or alongside the content related to your main query.

  3. Browse through the list of related questions. These questions are selected based on their relevance to your main query, often using keywords or thematic similarity.

  4. Select questions that either extend your understanding of the topic, offer different viewpoints, or closely align with additional information needs you might have.

  5. Click on the questions that interest you. Each question will lead you to new content, which could be an answer, a discussion thread, or further details.

  6. Read through the content provided in response to these questions to gain more insights. You can then do the same thing again, as FirstradeGPT will often time suggest a next series of possible follow-up queries that may be helpful.

Example Usage:

If you are researching "Microsoft's revenue growth," the related questions section might include:

  • "What are the key drivers behind Microsoft's revenue growth?"

  • "How does Microsoft's cloud business impact its overall revenue?"

  • "Comparison of Microsoft's revenue growth to other tech giants."

By exploring these related questions, you can develop a more well-rounded view of Microsoft’s financial health and market position.